Wednesday, January 10, 2007

2006 Review and 2007 Forecasts!

Each year, anyone would ask, what would be your New Year’s Resolution? Usually, I would not answer and if ever I did have one, I would keep it to myself. I believe in making resolution by putting action on to them and seeing fate have its way. It is better than allowing our mouths getting the best of us.

The Year in Review
Okay so by this time, 2006 will be closing and looking back, the year was not so bad. While it started out tough knowing you were cheated by your ex-wife for several years after implanting in your mind that you were the one who had the problem, it sucks to know that you were right all along. Well, touché and hurrah, maybe my third eye was really there but I just didn’t listen or look through it.

Social Life
On the side of love life, well it didn’t start out that well also. For the sake of not wanting to hurt another person’s feeling by failing to be the man of her dreams, I called it quits since that relationship would be sort of one-sided. Would you believe I forgot how to love? Anyway, if there is one thing I hate is that of thinking only of you. I had some love interests but as usual, most of them faltered. But the big story was that it didn’t devastate me that much compared to the previous years.

The result however was a recluse attitude and choosing to isolate myself from friends whom I had apprehensions with regards to sincerity. Unlike in the previous years, I cut short my gimmicks and attendance in social gatherings. Besides what would one less person do to spoil their fun?

Career and Commitments
On the career side, I am still far from satisfied despite being appointed the General Manager per se. While it was only the title that changed, the challenge to grow the business and run it as my own was too good to let up. Going through pressure and the demands of the owners was simply mind boggling but was capped off with the opportunity to renegotiate with our counterparts in Taiwan, not to mention being able to travel outside the country once again after 26 years. For 2007, the renewed vigor and optimistic forecasts are something I am very enthusiastic about. I am almost 100% sure that most of them will be attained. I have no explanation but they are just gut feelings which I am confident.

On the side, there were the usual sports organizing as the bowling and basketball tournaments and first coaching stints with my boys. Overall they were memorable and satisfactory. Having proven my theories tested was an accomplishment as well.

There was of course my farewell stint with the Ateneo MBA team in both basketball and bowling. Being a member of the champion teams for both sports was really something that I cherished, although it was also my official goodbye to the professional school. I also took out intentionally in my friendster list, people who only used me and are insincere.

On my blogging and writing, I would say it was indeed a big help. Handling Biziki and some other per contract gigs helped a lot, especially in financing the needs of me and my family in crucial stages of the year. I am thankful to the Lord for still being there to give me such graces. My best Christmas gift was that of coming back home to Mark Saunders, my original creator who gave me the big break and exposed me to the world of online writing and blogging. I am back handling various blogs for Mark and that is the highlight and best Christmas gift I ever got.

Family and Friends
For family, it will be the final year before my unica hija will finally march towards college. While it seemed awkward for me at first since it seemed like only yesterday that I was taking these entrance exams myself, being there and seeing my daughter all grown-up had me teary-eyed.

But then again, she is moving towards being an adult and I am just proud to be the one to see her grow into one. Not to mention are her accomplishments and growth into independency when I fired her so-called tutor who was merely after money. Joining and winning such contests as the First Place in the Story Writing contest really brought joy to my heart and hopefully stepped up her confidence level with regards to accomplishing something if she really puts her heart into it.

This is something her mom never believed in. I am glad she believed in it and is now putting it into good use.

Family was still the same. I still have my cute niece and nephews to take away my headaches, spoiling them every time I see them as usual. My week just cannot be complete without playing with them.

Devastating would be the thought that my grandmother may be lying on her deathbed, something of which I still refuse to believe owing to the fact that she seems strong to live for another 10 years. But I am not God to make such a claim and I leave it up to the One in Heaven to decide her fate.

Plans to move out and occupy my dad’s condominium in Mandaluyong are in the works since eventually this house will be sold. The worth of the house is more important to my relatives and well, it is just as well since I won’t see and may have the peace of mind of focusing on what I want to prove, and this is to be successful and care less for people who look down on me so much that they want to see me fall.

Ex-wife, last I heard she was working in a call-center and having a hard-time coping up with life. Well, money isn’t the only thing important in life but for their side I guess it is. Nevertheless, Vanessa and I still included her in our prayers before I left for Taiwan in December.

What Now in 2007?
For 2007, Outisde the usual Feng Shui readings which warned me to take care of my health and tighten my financial belt despite influx of financial resources, I am optimistic of looking for more writing and blog jobs to aid my monthly financial needs.

For work, I see a good year as long as my marketing and business plans are met. But if my hunches are correct, it will be a fruitful and successful year for me and the company. I can see myself traveling again this year, but as for the destination, I have no idea.

For my daughter, I see her finally pursuing her career as it should be. Business, Computer Science or Journalism, the choice is hers to make.

For my friends, well, I will still stick to my decision of choosing wisely. There are users and they are people I will choose to avoid rather to engage in. It’s better at that since I have no use for them.

For my family, well, although it seems we will be parting soon, I will make every effort of finding ways for us to be still close. Again this only covers my immediate family.

For writing, I am praying for a smoother and harmonious influx of projects and blogs. Doing something I love and earning from it as well is simply the best thing that ever happened to me.

For enemies such as my former money-sucking in-laws, well, no comment. I’ll just ignore them and let them be. But reconciliation is definitely out of the picture, even if you kiss my ass.

For relationships? Hmmm, hehe, hrmmmm. I think I’ll just cross the bridge when I get there. While I wanted someone so much, it seems like a lost cause but no regrets. As long as she is happy, that’s a closed chapter in my life already. For others, well prospects? Cannot think of one, all I care about is career success for now.

Happy New Year! Welcome 2007, hopefully another break-out year!

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